1. Describe the most difficult situation (both physical or psychological) that you have experienced, and what you have done to overcome the difficulties?
2. Describe a typical experience when you need to work closely with a group of people to achieve a goal. What's the goal, your role and the outcome? Or describe a time you need to resolve conflicts with others. What's the conflict and how the conflict was resolved?
3. Describe a time that you had successfully finished a work/plan ahead of schedule.
4. Describe a situation where you have adopted/initiated new approaches?
5. Describe the most complex plan you have developed involving many resources, and what you have done to achieve your goal.
6. Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough or critical or difficult decision. What was the situation? How the decision was made?
7. Tell me about a time when your input motivated others to reach a team goal?
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