1. A class B network on the internet has a subnet mask of, what is the maximum number of hosts per subnet .
a. 240 b. 255 c. 4094 d. 65534
2. What is the difference: between o(log n) and o(log n^2), where both log arithems have base 2 .
a. o(log n^2) is bigger b. o(log n) is bigger
c. no difference
3. For a class what would happen if we call a class’s constructor from with the same class’s constructor .
a. compilation error b. linking error
c. stack overflow d. none of the above
4. “new” in c++ is a: .
a. library function like malloc in
b. key word c. operator
d. none of the above
5. Which of the following information is not contained in an inode
a. file owner b. file size
c. file name d. disk address
6. What’s the number of comparisons in the worst case to merge two sorted lists containing n elements each .
a. 2n b.2n-1 c.2n+1 d.2n-2
7. Time complexity of n algorithm T(n), where n is the input size ,is T(n)=T(n-1)+1/n if n>1 otherwise 1 the order of this algorithm is .
a. log (n) b. n c. n^2 d. n^n
8. The number of 1’s in the binary rePsentation of
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 12
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