We'll be here after the New Year.新年过后,我们会再回来。A happy new year from all of your students.祝您新年快乐,您的全体学生敬上。New year is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is noclass.新年是喜庆的日子因为不用上课。May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do.愿快乐随时与您同在如同我们与您寸步不离。It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment.我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。Much joy to you in the upcoming year.愿您在新的一年充满快乐。Thank you for all you have done for us.感谢您为我们所做的一切。Best wishes for you and your family.祝福您及您的家人。We offer New year blessings to you.我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福!钟山职业技术学院计算机应用技术专业怎么样?录取分数线..
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