Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseveranceand application?
If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.
Learning without thought is labourlost; thought without learning is perilous.
He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors.
In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning.
They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.
The silent treasuring up of knowledge; learning without satiety; and instructing others without being wearied -- which one of these things belongs to me?
In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.
When it comes to benevolence, one need not give Pcedence even to his teacher.
I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.
When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.
Learn as if you could not reach your object, and were always fearing also lest you should lose it.
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