open for the rest of your life.
玛蒂尔达:I don't give a shit about sleeping. leon. I want love....or death. That's it.
李昂:I want death. Only death is real. Get off my case. Mathilda. I'm tired of your games.
玛蒂尔达:There's this really great game. Leon. Makes people nicer. Start them thinking. The kind of game you love. If I win you keep me with you... for life
李昂:And if you lose?
玛蒂尔达:Go shopping alone, like before.
李昂:You're gonna lose. Mathilda. There's a round in the chamber. I heard it.
玛蒂尔达:So what? What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head?
玛蒂尔达:I hope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you. Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me...I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything. I love you. Leon.
玛蒂尔达:I win.
I'm full of shit, OK? I am knowingly full of shit. Because I have never cared about anybody or anything in my entire life, and the thing is everybody have accepted that...like "That's just Jamine." And then you... Jesus ... you didn't see me that way. I have never known anyone who actually believed that I was enough until I met you, and then you made me believing too. So unfortunately, I need you and you need me... Let's just say... that in some alternate universe, there's a couple just like us. Only she is healthy, and he is perfect. And their world is about how much money they are spending on vacation, who's in bad mood that day, or whether or not they're guilty about having a cleaning lady. I don't wanna be those people. I want us. You. This.
I used to worry a lot about who I'll be when I grow up. Like how much money I'd make, or someday I become some big deal. Sometimes the things you want the most doesn't happen, and sometimes the thing you never expect happen does. Like giving up my job in Chicago and everything, and deciding to stay and apply for med school. I don't know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet that one person and your life is changed. Forever.
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